At the end of 1 Chronicles, there is something that may be easy to miss. It has application to the question: what is our response when someone asks us to do a big task that may not be our original idea?
Newly crowned King Solomon was handed an enormous task from his father, King David. Building a house/temple for the Lord God was not Solomon's own idea, but his father's. His father had the idea, gathered the materials, and drew up detailed plans. Some years before, the Lord had made it clear to David that even though building the house for God was his idea, David would not be the one to build it. His son would.
So before he died, King David handed all the plans and materials over to Solomon, commissioning him to build it for God.
Solomon took the mantle of serving as King from his father and eventually began the enormous task of constructing this magnificent house. I don't know how Solomon reacted to inheriting this task, but he recognized and accepted it as from the Lord.
And therein lies the key. Sometimes the Lord gives us big ideas or ministry or other things that come through someone else. Maybe it is handed to us. Maybe we inherit it. It may be already prepared to some extent, but it now needs our leadership and energy.
If we recognize and believe, as Solomon did, that it is ours from God, that makes all the difference.
Not all things handed to us or requested of us are necessarily "from God." But when it is, we honor Him and fulfill His will by owning it and moving forward with it.
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