Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cell Phone Dangers

A few weeks ago I was in a room full of over 200 people at a wonderful church missions conference. The stories the various missionaries were telling were very moving - the kind of stuff the Holy Spirit uses to transform and lead if we will but listen.

I could not help but notice the three lovely teenage women sitting next to me. While one missionary spoke, the young woman beside me kept checking her cell phone and texting someone. I'll call her Brittany.

What Brittany likely did not understand were two important things. First, her constantly checking her phone while someone else was speaking was rude. Consider that if you were talking with someone, and they suddenly got up and left while you were talking, how would you feel? That is what Brittany's texting was like. Texting is similar to "leaving" because when you text, you mentally leave and your mind is elsewhere.

Second, Brittany missed out in a huge way because she was not fully listening. Her texting also distracted me and possibly others. These missionaries who shared personal stories are no ordinary people. Their lives and faith and obedience inspire. When we don't give our full attention to these dear saints of the faith, we often miss the nugget that would touch our soul, ignite our faith, answer our unspoken question or thought, and spur us on to greater things that will last for eternity. That's a danger when we don't turn our cell phones off. 

Philippians 2:3-4 instructs in a better way. "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others."

What would help us sometimes not just focus on ourselves and those text messages we think we can't live without? You may well miss something important God has for you. Special things from the Holy Spirit often come to those who are undistracted and truly listening.

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