Sunday, April 3, 2011

Be Alert

This week I bought groceries at the commissary (military grocery store). The man bagging my groceries was a retired Air Force man in his seventies who also delivered the groceries to my car. Then I tipped him a dollar as I usually do. What was unusual though was his response to my question, "How has your week gone so far?"

Humbly, he replied, "It's a right fine day when I didn't come home with a tag on my toe."

Wow. He was grateful to be alive. He well understood that many military men have come home in a body bag with a tag on their toe (to identify who they are). These brave men paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Suddenly, that put some things into perspective for me about what is truly important.

It also reminded me of what I recently read in Matthew 13. Jesus is telling his disciples about the final Day when He will come again as Judge over all. He will seperate forever the sheep (true believers) to heaven and the goats (non-believers) to hell, along with Satan and his host. Next, Jesus implores his diciples in verses 33-37 to "Be alert" for no one knows when that Day will come. Nor do the vast majority of us know the day He will call us from this life. Jesus says "Be alert" four times! 

In your life, is there any unfinished business to attend to? Has any worldly thing perhaps become too rooted in your heart? Oh how I long to invest in eternal things that will last beyond my life. The Bible talks about three things that are eternal: God, His Word, and people. Let's be alert. He is coming.

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