Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Speed Dating?

This advertisement came in my email Inbox:

$17 for Speed Dating Admission with Date and Dash ($35 value)

Speed dating?
Date and dash?

You have to be kidding. That almost sounds like just dash to the Okay Corral to check out two Mr. Availables to choose from to dine with on Friday night. No worry though - if you discover he is not your type, just dash by again and choose bachelor number two!

Will relationships and dating be so cheapened?  

A Google search for “dating websites” turned up a mere 18,500,000 hits. 18 million!

While the hunger for love and relationship is as real and alive as in any generation, and there are now a dime a dozen websites ready to assist you to find love and rapport, may I make a suggestion? Let’s throttle down several gears.

I admit my bias of not being a fan of dating websites. These websites can promise much but deliver less than expected or hoped for. 

Here is another suggestion. Consider the simplicity of waiting on God. Of trusting that it’s no problem for God, the Creator of the universe, to bring along the right person at the right time for you if it is His will. And, in the normal course of living your life. And yes, I know how hard it is to wait. Sometimes there are no answers. Nor guarantees. However, waiting is not an enemy.

Consider that Jesus Christ had to wait on His Father. There were things that Jesus wanted to see happen during His time on earth, but He chose to wait on His Father’s timing. Why? Because Jesus, the Son of God, completely trusted His Father and lovingly yielded to His Father’s purposes and timing.

It’s fairly simple at the core. Keep coming back to the Father and trust Him with all of your longings and hopes. Often, it's not easy. But it is good and right and worth it in ways we do not fully see or understand.

Psalm 27:14 encourages and directs us: “Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.”  

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