Monday, May 16, 2011

14 Year-Old Jailed for Teaching the Word

Fourteen year-old "Rachel" was teaching children to sing and she was sharing the Word of God with them. Then the Vietnamese authorities came on their motorbikes. They had guns, clubs, and electric batons. She was scared and hid in her room. They found Rachel and put her in the back of a small truck. This 14 year-old girl was arrested for "breaking the law" --  for simply teaching the Word of God.

After one month in the Vietnamese jail, Rachel shared the gospel with many people. She said, "Don't be afraid. Believe in the Lord, then you will receive peace."

The police had asked Rachel to raise her arms, and they put nails under her feet for 15 minutes. She stood against the wall on the nails and prayed, "Lord, help me." If she slipped, they would use a rubber hose to beat her legs. It was so painful, Rachel fainted and fell down. She fainted for about an hour. She says, "I believe that the Lord held me up so I could bear it."

Finally her father was able to take her home from prison. The older people in her village noted Rachel's courage and bravery to be arrested. Now, they were no longer in fear. The villagers said, "Rachel also loved the young ones and wants to tell them that they are the princes of God, and that they should be strong and go on with the Lord in strength."

Rachel says, "The Lord is coming soon. You must be strong and go all over the world to share the gospel with many people no matter what color of skin we have. You have to go." Rachel is now in Bible school. She says, "I would like to go back to my village more or go to other villages to share about God's Word. I am not afraid to be arrested again. If I am faced with persecution, difficulties, because of the Bible, I will never withdraw. I will continue on. I will never be afraid." (Condensed from a recent issue of The Voice of the Martyrs, "Vietnam's Most Wanted")

What a 14 year-old! She has stirred my heart and greatly challenged me.

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