In today's paper, I read about Georgianna, a local news anchorwoman. I know nothing about her or her family except that she worked 20 years in that job. It seems many people respected her work. The article told of a decision she made. It brought a huge smile to my face.
Georgianna decided to quit a job that she liked. That's because she is now the mother of twin girls. She wants to raise her children and be there for them. Georgianna says she thought she could continue working after her daughters were born. So she did. I think she may have also bought into the myth that a woman can "have it all" or do it all.
Unexpectedly, the television station changed Georgianna's shift by an hour or two. That resulted in her losing even more precious sleep. Georgianna began to realize too that her children are young only once. Like all parents, she gets one shot at raising them. So, I assume in discussion with her husband, she decided to quit working full time outside the home for now and raise her daughters. I applaud her! And I believe her children will be the better for it too.
I do not have anything against mothers who work jobs in addition to raising their children. Sometimes it may be needed for any number of reasons. Some women have high capacities as well. (And hats off to many single moms/single parents who somehow manage to parent and provide for their family.) Yet I wholeheartedly believe one of the greatest gifts a mom can give her children is to raise them herself. To be there for them. A child's young years are incredibly formative and foundational. Being a mother is an enormous responsibility and sacrifice, requiring all you are. Being a mom is also an enormous privilege given by God.
Georgianna, thank you. And to my mom, an enormous thank you from my heart. My mom was a stay-at-home mother who raised me and my seven siblings, along with my dad. What a precious and blessed gift that was to me! Children are a precious gift from God. Being a mother and raising your children is a high and noble calling. Oftentimes, there may be things we need to give up for now for the sake of our children.