Friday, September 30, 2011

If You Love Me

Jesus is with His disciples the night before the horrible day of untold suffering He knows is coming. In His teaching and revelations that night, I noticed something that Jesus repeated at least five times.

“If you love Me, You will keep My commandments” (John 14:15).    

The Greek word for “keep” is tereo. It means to hold fast, to keep.

This kind of keeping is born from complete surrender to the Master. One cannot keep His commands unless one has first given up all control to Him and submitted totally to His authority. Because then our love for Him is truly demonstrated, as we hold fast and obey all that He commands.

Love for Christ is inseparable from obedience to Him and His commands (His Word). If not, Jesus says you do not truly love Him.

Jesus later says in John 15:10 that if we keep His commandments, then we abide in His love, just as Jesus kept His Father's commandments, and abides in His Father's love.