Saturday, July 16, 2011

The bleach that did not bleach

Interrupting the wash cycle, I added bleach to my load of whites to eradicate a pesky stain from a garment. For good measure, I soaked it for 30 minutes. Yet the stain barely even faded. So, more bleach and more soaking. But surprisingly, the stain remained!

So, I washed it again. More bleach, and more soaking for 60 minutes. 

Yet the stubborn stain remained! What in the heck was wrong?

Then it dawned on me ... my bleach has lost its bleachy-ness! This older bottle of bleach had completely lost its bleaching power. It did nothing. Even adding the whole bottle of that bleach and soaking my whites for 3 hours would have failed to clobber the stain.

It made me think of a similar analogy that Jesus used. Matthew 5:13 - "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless (lost its saltiness), how will it be made salty again? It is good for nothing any more...."

It's simple. Which of us would use salt that has completely lost its zing - salt with zero flavor or power? It is useless.

Jesus has already made us the salt of the earth. However, He clearly tells us to also remain salty. That is our part - making daily choices to live holy, blameless, and pure for His glory and purposes.