Monday, January 24, 2011

Lord Over the Unseen

Mark 1:21-27

The first 45 verses of the gospel of Mark reveal a great deal about Jesus Christ. One thing that stands out is that there is an unseen spiritual world that is as real as the water you and I drink.

Most of us already believe in angels—spiritual beings created by God to do His will, to be His messengers, and to help out people on earth. Angels are usually unseen by us. Sometimes angels manifest themselves. Right away in Mark, one sees that there are also fallen spiritual beings, or demons.  Mark tells of a particular incident. While Jesus teaches in the synagogue, a man who has an unclean spirit (demon) cries out, “What do we have to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are—the Holy One of God!” Jesus then rebukes the demon and commands it to be quiet and come out of the man. It obeys.

As you think about this amazing reality, what do you observe about Jesus Christ? What does it tell you about Him?  

Even demons had to obey the voice of the Son of God! Looking further through the first six chapters of Mark, demons are mentioned 7 times, Satan is mentioned 3 times, angels are mentioned once, and the Kingdom of God is mentioned 4 times. Jesus is Lord and Commander over the spirit world that we cannot yet see, as well as over the physical world that we can see. As followers of Jesus who is Lord, how can we do anything less than bow our knee to Him as Commander of the seen and of the unseen? 

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Joshua 23-24

God chose Moses and Joshua to lead His people out of slavery from Egypt and into the promised land. God performed numerous miracles and conquered enemy after enemy during this whole amazing process.  Joshua is now 110 years old and God tells him his time on earth has ended. In Joshua’s farewell address, he tells the people of Israel to:

·         Remember all that God has done for you. Not one word of what the LORD your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled.
·         Fear God and serve Him in sincerity and truth.
·         Choose this day whom you will serve.
·         Be very firm to keep the law of Moses.
·         Love the LORD your God and cling to Him.
·         Go and conquer the remaining territory, and He will continue to drive out these nations.
·         Do not bow down to any of their gods, nor serve them, in fact, do not even mention their gods.

God is holy and He alone is to be worshipped. God also knows that entertaining any other god in the slightest will lead His people away from Him. Idolatry does that.

Idolatry can take many forms. It is basically anything or anyone that you or I put ahead of the LORD our God. Maybe it is a relationship. Or that thing you won’t let go of. Or it may be choosing to live life on your own terms. In your heart today, is there any idolatry? Is there anything or anyone that you love more than God?

If so, will you confess it, surrender it, and turn from it? Choose this day whom you will serve. Cling to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Love Him wholeheartedly and give Him first place in your heart.